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09 April 2013

The Linden Method - Scam Or The Real Thing?

By Chung Chu

The Linden Method is a popular Panic Attacks, anxiety, and phobia treatment method which was developed by Englishman, Charles Linden. Charles Linden, who suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia himself, tried conventional methods, including medication, failed miserably, and eventually cured himself. The process through which he succeeded in curing himself is the Linden Method.

The Linden Method is better known in Europe and Britain than in the United States. I imagine that a person from Britain wouldn't even have asked that question, because the Linden Center is located in Britain. Anyone who thinks that this method is a scam probably isn't aware that the Linden Center has been treating people with this method for years. In fact, in the 10+ years since the Linden Method was first introduced, over 80,000 people have used this to treat their panic attacks, anxiety, and phobia.

Around 4 years ago, I began to suffer from a combination of anxiety, depression, heart palpitations (including skipped heartbeats) and a constant fear of dying.I would often wake up in the middle of the night, with a rapid heartbeat and feeling out of breath, for no apparent reason. I would become obsessed with checking my pulse rate. The more I thought about it, the worse it became. Then came the dreaded skipped beats - I was convinced I my heart would stop beating.

I started to avoid any situations that would put me in an anxious frame of mind and I became quite withdrawn and depressed. It's fascinating, looking back, how each of the symptoms kind of snowball from one symptom to the next, from nervousness to nausea to anxiety to panic attack to depression, etc..

This isn't some magical cure. You will need to learn what this method has to teach you and apply it on yourself. This doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process of improvement. The results are fast, but they will require some self-work on your part.

After growing up with anxiety as a child and teen, then suffering severe anxiety that became debilitating, leaving him housebound and struggling, Linden tried many different ways to get control of his anxiety. None of them worked for him. It was only through putting some ideas together, information that he'd gathered from listening to others talk about curing their own anxiety, that the Linden Method was born. Today, Charles Linden is 44 years old and happily married, with two children and is leading a highly productive life helping the rest of us learn how to cope with our anxiety issues.

Many people are suffering from this disorder, but they are ignoring this disorder and are trying to live with it in their entire life. Most of them believe that treating anxiety is a waste of time and money because the methods for getting rid of anxiety that are available today have only the capability to alleviate anxiety temporarily or just prevent it from occurring. In other words, these known methods do not permanently eliminate anxiety. Worst, they do not look for other anxiety treatment methods and leave the situation as is.

The internet houses useful information about anxiety as well as the best treatment for it. If you will browse the internet, you will surely come across the Linden method in which many medical specialists in the Europe recommends as the means of treating anxiety. If you are interested in this method and why it is famous especially in the Europe, you have to read several the Linden method reviews.

While there is no guarantee that the Linden Method - or any method, for that matter - can work to cure your anxiety, it may be worth the consideration depending on your situation. The Linden Method is backed by a number of medical doctors who understand how it works and see it as being a great way to cure anxiety. It also comes with a year's worth of professional counseling support, and has a 1-year, money-back guarantee.

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