Basics Of Earthquake Survival Kit

By April Briggs

Earthquakes leave people without anything when they happen. No food, water, shelter and many other things. It is for this reason that people require to prepare stuff to use during such hard times. They always seem ridiculous to many people but when the disaster befalls the joke is always on them. The fundamentals of earthquake survival kit include the following.

The bag is one of the essentials. A bag carries all the other stuff required for endurance. It is for this reason that the bag should be of light weight. This is to make movements easier during the crisis. One needs to be careful when choosing the bags. They should make sure that they are of high quality in order to serve a good purpose.

Many victims find themselves in fixed positions which make it hard for movement. A victim could get confused on what to do and end up making a wrong move especially at dark places. The availability of a torch makes it possible for one to see the surrounding and be able to move. A torch also acts as an alert when the teams of rescue arrive. The torch alerts them that there are survivors around.

The first-aid kit is another necessary essential. Injured victims end up getting serious infections if they are not given fast medication. With the availability of a kit the person gets to reduce the chances of infections occurring., any victims die or become in critical conditions because of not been given first aid which could increase the chances of them kicking on.

Water is said to be life. Without is people cannot survive on earth. It is therefore due to this reason water has to be on the bag pack. It must be stored on bottles. One needs to be careful for the water not to make the bag pack so heavy to carry. Water for several days can keep a person going for long. If not a person concentrates on looking for water to drink instead of rescuers to help them from the incidents. Survivors are always urged to look for safer places to stay inn after the disasters. This is as a safe measure incase another one occurs impromptu.

In such catastrophes one need to be strong to keep going. Food provides energy for people to use in doing their daily errands. After earthquakes happen people need a lot of energy to survive. Dry foods are recommended in such situations. This is because dry foods do not have a lot of weight. This makes it easier for mobility. One needs to pack enough food to be used when hungry and no any other option is available.

Mobile phones make the chances of endurance increase. A victim is able to make contact to emergency numbers in order to get rescue. It is the work of the person to ensure that contacts are well saved on the phone. Once the call goes through the victim should be brief by only giving the important details. Such contacts alert the rescue teams of some duties to be done.

Many people ignore the need of packing this stuff as an emergency during such disasters. Their ignorance leads to their deaths or too much struggle when this happens. Most people coming from areas with this problem are advised to always have a survival kit ready. This is to ensure their well being. Also their survival helps during such disasters.

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