What To Look For In Good Sod Installation Commercial

By Larry Williams

To many people, it is not easy to tell the difference between on piece of turf and another. They roll the same, they are grown in the same way and some will even be of the same type. However, there are very many features that will make a good sod installation commercial. For this reason, people must know these qualities so as not to make mistakes in the choice made. Below are some of them.

The quality of soil must be good. This will determine the kind of grass that will grow from it. An easy way of differentiating between consistent and bad soil is by checking for cracks in it. One that crumbles lacks the vital nutrients as they break away. The amount of soil should be enough and of right quantity. Too much soil inhibits the growth of grass seed and it will not reach the top soil. This is not good for the turf in the yard.

The grass must be uniform in length and color. They have to be well maintained so that they appear attractive. Uniformity in height is achieved by proper trimming. The type of grass grown must also be the same. The strips have to be made up of same kind of grass so as to bring out harmony when the product is finally laid on the ground.

Well fertilized clod has desirable features. One of them being nice physical appearance due to sufficient nutrients. They are also able to withstand stress of being uprooted and replanted somewhere else. Another characteristics is their ability to survive through periods of little or no water supply. For these reasons, it is important that people stick to fertilization schedules and improve the quality of lawns produced.

They should be fresh. The level of freshness is determined by the period of time between product was harvested long ago is by checking if the roots are moist. They should be moist if not then it has stayed out of soil longer than it should. Touching its surface will also tell. It should not be warm to feel. Care must be done while checking this as it will determine whether the grass survives or not.

They normally come in different grades. As a consumer, it is advisable that the best grade be chosen. This is one that contains the least amount of weed in it. Anything that is not wanted in the turf is normally removed and only the right type is left in high quality grades. This is a better choice as the grass will not compete with weeds for nutrients. The cost of maintenance will also be low as there will be no need of herbicides.

Young grass should not be sold as turf. It should be given an ample time in the field for it to grow enough. This way it will be able to handle the effect of being moved from its original field to a new location. It will also have better resistance to diseases and the chances of survival will be increased. Maturity of grass must be considered when it comes to this.

Generally, the quality of sod selected will affect the final product. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that the best is purchased. The above points illustrate some of the qualities to look for. Adhering to them will help save people from future problems.

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