Theology Forums All Over The World
Religion has had a part in the shaping of our world, our culture, and our societies. There is nothing that has transpired within this great world of ours that was not somehow influenced by religion or religious people. This is why theology forums both on the net and off are a very important factor in the study and discussion of God and how he or she operates.
There is a very large portion of the world's population that believe in some divine being. Since the beginning of time this has been true. Whether it was a single or multiple Gods there is no arguing the fact that God has been a part of our thought process since we started to wonder why we are here and who we are. This brings on other questions, questions that people answer with "God".
It has always been about peace, love, and brotherhood. However, various misinterpretations of the bible as well as other maybe sometimes fanatical ideals have gotten people in a lot of trouble or even killed. Religion at its core is good, but people would use it to do bad things to other people and that is why most people are always a little leery about it.
They can easily drift away from religion but some never do because the teachings are too strong and came at such a young age. The ability to research and learn about religion on your own is a gift that most people are never given. With the way technology has brought various world religions to the doorstep of people who would have never been exposed to such things many more people are joining religions different than those of their parents.
Those in power were either believers or they were not. If they were, then anybody who believed in a different way was considered evil and they were cast out in any number of ways, death among the list. It was not easy to have a belief back then. Now if those who were in power were not believers, well that is simple. Anybody who did believe, in anything, was then cast out in a similar fashion.
Then you have maybe the more modernized styles. These would be those that look just like any other message board except for the fact that the main topic and all others are about religion. Sometimes they are segregated by religious beliefs and sometimes they are not. It all depends on the person or group who initiated the board.
These theology forums are great places to bring people with various backgrounds and belief systems together to have an intelligent and violence free discussion. To be able to do this today is a testament to those who came before us and a result of their sacrifice. Many have fought and died to preserve this freedom.
Theology forums are taking place in schools, public places, and most of all on the Internet. The ability that we have today to talk with people from across the ocean and all in real time is marvelous. The ideas shared and the stories told are enlightening the people involved and everyone walks away better for having been a part of the discussion.
There is a very large portion of the world's population that believe in some divine being. Since the beginning of time this has been true. Whether it was a single or multiple Gods there is no arguing the fact that God has been a part of our thought process since we started to wonder why we are here and who we are. This brings on other questions, questions that people answer with "God".
It has always been about peace, love, and brotherhood. However, various misinterpretations of the bible as well as other maybe sometimes fanatical ideals have gotten people in a lot of trouble or even killed. Religion at its core is good, but people would use it to do bad things to other people and that is why most people are always a little leery about it.
They can easily drift away from religion but some never do because the teachings are too strong and came at such a young age. The ability to research and learn about religion on your own is a gift that most people are never given. With the way technology has brought various world religions to the doorstep of people who would have never been exposed to such things many more people are joining religions different than those of their parents.
Those in power were either believers or they were not. If they were, then anybody who believed in a different way was considered evil and they were cast out in any number of ways, death among the list. It was not easy to have a belief back then. Now if those who were in power were not believers, well that is simple. Anybody who did believe, in anything, was then cast out in a similar fashion.
Then you have maybe the more modernized styles. These would be those that look just like any other message board except for the fact that the main topic and all others are about religion. Sometimes they are segregated by religious beliefs and sometimes they are not. It all depends on the person or group who initiated the board.
These theology forums are great places to bring people with various backgrounds and belief systems together to have an intelligent and violence free discussion. To be able to do this today is a testament to those who came before us and a result of their sacrifice. Many have fought and died to preserve this freedom.
Theology forums are taking place in schools, public places, and most of all on the Internet. The ability that we have today to talk with people from across the ocean and all in real time is marvelous. The ideas shared and the stories told are enlightening the people involved and everyone walks away better for having been a part of the discussion.