Significance Of Conserving And Protecting Natural Resources
Self-existence substances, materials and physical feature that or of non-renewable and renewable nature have to be created by natural forces in the surroundings of a living organism. They do not require the involvement of humans in any way in their formation. If the rate at which they are consumed exceeds the rate of their formation, they become depleted and go extinct if efforts to conserve them are not undertaken. Below are reasons for conserving and protecting natural resources for future generations.
To sustain fuel and energy production. Power is a necessity for supporting industry operations for economic growth. It is also required to power homesteads lived by humans. Coal, rivers, dams, wood, sunlight, crude oil, and natural gas provide the power and fuel necessary to facilitate human survival. They must be used responsibly to ensure continued supply of electric power and fuel for a long time.
Facilitating supply of clean and healthy water for use by living organisms. Live organisms require clean water that is free of contamination for purposes of efficient working of their cellular activities that encourage life. Forest are home to tributaries of many rivers and helps in clouds formation that eventually fall as rainfall. Trees act as wind barriers, preventing soil erosion that could otherwise pollute water.
For the continued supply of food for human consumption and animal survival. Living for a long time without something to eat is tough. Starvation causes slow and painful death in drought-stricken parts of the earth. Grass and vegetation growth on fertile soils provide healthy nutrients for the development of animals while still making it possible for people to engage in agricultural practices.
Salaried employment provision for job seekers and self-employment for job entrepreneurs. Available resources can easily be utilized to earn a steady source of revenue. Different career and job markets are created that individuals can try out and find one which they are comfortable with. This will enhance the growth of local economy and provide better and preferable living conditions for the employee.
Prevention of global warming. Extinction of vegetation through agricultural and deforestation leads to the destruction of the protective ozone layer. This is a result of insufficient carbon IV oxide gas that facilitates its formation. Its destruction causes increased temperatures in the universe that cause excessive melting of ice thus the raising sea level and hunger and famine as a result of the drought.
Maintenance of destinations of interests to tourist. Tourists are exploitative in nature, and they are fascinated by the beauty and aesthetic value of the landscape. When they visit, trade relations and cultural heritage of involved communities are strengthened. Also, tourist activity results in vast economic and social development of an area. So as to earn foreign currency trough trade. Often, resources in a certain geographic location are used as raw materials for industrial production in another country. When this happens, trade agreements will have to be initiated between the countries involved.
They provide habitat for wild animals. Wild animals need large areas to live freely and thrive. The trees and forest are home to land-based animals while the seas and oceans provide habitat for marine life. The habitat provides the required environment to rear their young ones.
To sustain fuel and energy production. Power is a necessity for supporting industry operations for economic growth. It is also required to power homesteads lived by humans. Coal, rivers, dams, wood, sunlight, crude oil, and natural gas provide the power and fuel necessary to facilitate human survival. They must be used responsibly to ensure continued supply of electric power and fuel for a long time.
Facilitating supply of clean and healthy water for use by living organisms. Live organisms require clean water that is free of contamination for purposes of efficient working of their cellular activities that encourage life. Forest are home to tributaries of many rivers and helps in clouds formation that eventually fall as rainfall. Trees act as wind barriers, preventing soil erosion that could otherwise pollute water.
For the continued supply of food for human consumption and animal survival. Living for a long time without something to eat is tough. Starvation causes slow and painful death in drought-stricken parts of the earth. Grass and vegetation growth on fertile soils provide healthy nutrients for the development of animals while still making it possible for people to engage in agricultural practices.
Salaried employment provision for job seekers and self-employment for job entrepreneurs. Available resources can easily be utilized to earn a steady source of revenue. Different career and job markets are created that individuals can try out and find one which they are comfortable with. This will enhance the growth of local economy and provide better and preferable living conditions for the employee.
Prevention of global warming. Extinction of vegetation through agricultural and deforestation leads to the destruction of the protective ozone layer. This is a result of insufficient carbon IV oxide gas that facilitates its formation. Its destruction causes increased temperatures in the universe that cause excessive melting of ice thus the raising sea level and hunger and famine as a result of the drought.
Maintenance of destinations of interests to tourist. Tourists are exploitative in nature, and they are fascinated by the beauty and aesthetic value of the landscape. When they visit, trade relations and cultural heritage of involved communities are strengthened. Also, tourist activity results in vast economic and social development of an area. So as to earn foreign currency trough trade. Often, resources in a certain geographic location are used as raw materials for industrial production in another country. When this happens, trade agreements will have to be initiated between the countries involved.
They provide habitat for wild animals. Wild animals need large areas to live freely and thrive. The trees and forest are home to land-based animals while the seas and oceans provide habitat for marine life. The habitat provides the required environment to rear their young ones.
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