During Goal Setting Workshops NM Companies Learn How To Focus

By Andrew Reed

The business environment is a hostile one. Competition is fierce, global markets are opening up and consumers are becoming more demanding. Only those companies that can remain on the cutting edge can hope to flourish. This requires a high degree of focus. In turn, no company can focus if it does not have very specific goals that it works toward. In goal setting workshops NM companies learn how to focus their efforts towards greater success.

Many people still think that a goal is some kind of intention to achieve something. They would think that a statement such as I must lose some weight constitutes a goal. It is most definitely not an objective. Objectives, or goals, need to be very specific and they must comply with certain criteria. Poor goals inevitably lead to poor productivity and a waste of valuable resources.

One of the main characteristics of good goals is that they contain an action word. An action word is a verb that can be observed and measured. Setting an objective to understand the theory of relativity is no good because the action word understand cannot be measured. The objective would be much better if it states that the aim is to clearly demonstrate the application of the theory of relativity. The verb demonstrate can be observed and measured.

A proper objective must answer an important question. To which measurable standards must the objective be achieved. To say that you will manufacture smart phones is not a proper objective. It does contain the action verb, but it should also contain a standard. To manufacture smart phones that are approved by XYZ authorities would therefore be a better attempt. If XYZ authorities do not approve the phone, the objective has not been achieved.

Goals must provide a time framework. If the objective is to shed at least seven pounds it provides no incentive to achieve this objective within a certain period. The objective should therefore be to get rid of a minimum of seven pounds by the stated date. If, on 10 January 2018 the scale shows the loss of at least seven pounds, the objective has been achieved.

If one knows exactly what it is that must be achieved, to which standards it must be achieved and by what target date this must be done, then one has the ability to formulate a proper action plan. Each smaller step that must be achieved on the route to the achievement of the bigger objective must be listed. The achievement of these steps must also be observable and measurable.

Choosing a contractor to teach teams how to set and achieve goals should be undertaken with circumspect. It is important to choose a contractor that has a lot of practical experience and it may be an even better idea to choose one that also offer ongoing mentoring and support. It is always a good idea to insist upon valid references.

When one examines floundering companies the lack of proper goals will almost always pop up as one of the main sources of their woes. Goals are important because they provide direction and purpose to teams and individuals. Learning to set proper goals should be a priority for all companies.

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