Jesus Christ And Salvation Through Faith

By Scott Hayes

While the predominant religion in the United States and Europe is that of Christianity, there are a number of different denominations. In most cases, Christian churches promote salvation through faith. While this is the case, there are some ideologies in which people believe a person can not be saved unless practicing a particular way of life.

Faith plays a huge role when it comes to salvation. For, an individual must believe in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In most cases, Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and in a holy trinity being God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost as one entity.

Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox were the earliest forms of Christianity which were spread throughout Europe in the early days of the church. Later, the religion spread to the United States and beyond. Recent statistics now show that there are over two billion people whom now identify as Christians.

While some focus on the church as the beginning aspects of the religion, others refer to the story of Saul, or the apostle known as Paul. For, Saul is best known for having seen a vision of Jesus after the resurrection in which Jesus told Saul to spread the gospel to the world. After which, Saul whom was Jewish, converted to Christianity and begin a trek telling the good news of Jesus Christ and salvation of the world.

During the early days of the church, there was a split into the apostolic and post-apostolic branches of the religion. While the apostolic church was led by relatives of Christ whom were some of the earliest disciples, the post-apostolic churches are led by individuals whom have been taught the ways of the original leaders. In either case, the task is to spread the word of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to the world.

In the Apostolic church, the church was led by the apostles, generally relatives of Jesus Christ. While this is the case, upon resurrection Jesus commanded that the teachings be spread throughout the world. Denounced by some critics, the Acts of the Apostles as described in the Bible book of Acts is believed to be the most accurate history related to the time.

The book of Acts covers a lot of detail when it comes to the topic of salvation. In addition, it explains the command Jesus gave to spread the gospel and the message of salvation to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gentiles. As a result, it is often considered one of the best accounts as to the life of the apostles and Christ during that time.

While the bible has a great deal to say about the people of the time and salvation, an individual must believe in the text as a historic document. While there have been critics, it is believed that the book of Acts tells the most about the life of the apostles. Whereas, the book of Matthew provides great detail with regards to the command Jesus gave to spread gospel around the world.

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