Tips on How to Change Your Life and Achieve Your Dreams

By Christopher M. Seymour

What do you think about your life? Do you believe that, because of other people or unfavorable circumstances, you're not living the life you'd like to? If you believe that a dream is just a dream and it never will come true, you are wrong. You're just letting your life pass you by without even trying to give it a meaning. Finally, why are you living for? We learn and acquire habits during all our life.

We are constantly told to focus on WHAT we want, and to allow the universe the show us HOW. We are told to align our beliefs, thoughts and feelings with what we want, to be an energetic vibrational match with what we desire, in order to attract that to us through the Law of Attraction. However, we MUST also take ACTION. We must be poised react to act and grab opportunities that come to us. We must be fully alert and conscious to our daily life in order that we recognise that which we are attracting to us. And, often the things that we want don't always come in the form we expect.Often we are left at a loss for exactly what type of action to take. Faced with opportunity, we might recognise it and pause too long to benefit from opportunity, or we may be so caught up in our heads that we miss opportunity altogether and it passes us by.What if I told you that every day there are very specific, very unique, very special SIGNALS being sent to you, to show you HOW to create the change in your life that will bring you happiness? What if I told you that if you were simply aware and ready for those signals then following those signals would lead you towards:Greater understanding of yourself,Greater happiness and joy,Greater peace and calm,Greater feelings of connectionAll the things you desire in your life both physically in your world and internally within you.I'm here to tell you that this opportunity exists for you. There ARE signals that are guiding you, unique to you, right now. There always have been and there always will be. Those signals come to guide you the highest and best way to achieve your purpose in this life. If only you will awaken to them. I'm here to share with you that the FOLLOW THE SIGNALS way of living can change your life forever, just as it did mine.What is the "Follow the Signals" way of living about? Our beliefs, thoughts and feelings literally create our reality.The world around you is always moving in response to your energy, in response to what you believe, think and feel.Beyond our physical world is an unseen, yet very powerful dimension that is constantly reacting to your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and it is constantly beckoning your attention to guide you on "how" to achieve what you desire.It guides you by way of signals...Every day The Universe is sending you signals, whether you are aware of them or not; unusual happenings, surprising coincidences, situations, people and things turn up in your life when you need them most.If you know how to look for signals, and are willing to follow them, the signals can support you, encourage you and most importantly guide you towards your goals and dreams.Signals are 'things' that happen in your day to day life that are there to catch your attention, to signal you forward towards your goals and dreams. Signals are here to guide you. They are unique and specific to you and they are never-ending. You are receiving them right now, you always have been and you always will. The key is - are you aware of them?

Go through your garage as well and consider what to keep and what to get rid of. Just knowing what you have in there will give you a better feeling, but move everything to one side and give the floor a good sweep, yes, even way back in that corner you haven't seen in more than a year. Clean it out, give yourself some open space - it will look better and you will feel better.Do you have items of furniture that you really don't care for now? They looked great last year or five years ago but now, not so great. Is it time to make a change? Does that couch cushion still feel good when you sit on it? Are the arms or legs becoming scuffed and tattered? What about that one chair or small table that just seems to always be in the way? Might it be time to give it the old heave-ho?

For any one goal or dream, there are millions of potential ways in which that goal or dream could come to fruition. Life offers us endless opportunities, paths and decisions to create what we desire. There is no 'one' way. The signals are not showing you the only way, they are simply guiding you forward in a way that will serve you well, should you wish to follow them.Think of signals like the Key on a map. It is certainly very possible to find your way to your destination without referring to the Key on your map, you will likely get there eventually unaided, but with the Key it's so much easier.Very simply put - you can create the life you want, turning your goals and dreams into reality, if you follow the signals.We often spend a lot of time trying to figure out 'how' to achieve what we want in our lives. But here is the trick - our main job is to define WHAT we want, and let the signals show us HOW to achieve it.Our logical minds can sometimes tell us why our goal or dream is not possible. Our minds will find barriers, risks, obstacles to analyse, and will worry and scheme, and wonder and ponder... that is normal.

Have you ever thought about changing something in your life such as starting a new career, learning a foreign language or getting more fit? Maybe you have even attempted to do new things or change old behavior patterns, but your enthusiasm didn't last too long. And you gave up.It happened because habits are actions we make unconsciously. We just feel like we need to do a certain thing without asking ourselves why we have to or what is in it for us.

Exercise will help you think more clearly and you will begin to have quality sleep and feel rested when you awake each day. A healthy body will help you have a healthy mind.Read more non-fiction books.Expand your horizons and knowledge by learning about new things. What are you interested in? Traveling? Gardening? Computers? Childcare? Take the time to curl up with a good book (or Kindle reader) learn, explore and grow mentally, too.Read books about positive mindsets, too. Browse the Self-Improvement section of Bookstores.Take stock of your life.

Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, emails, signposts, billboards, advertising, websites... the list goes on. These are aspects of our every day lives.In relation to your goal or dream, these mediums for information, be it written, visual or audible, can all act as signals to guide you. Once you become alert to signals, you will start to notice recurring references to things in your day to day life, quite possibly very directly related to, or outright stating your goal or dream.In relation to your goal or dream, be it a career path you want to follow, a place you want to visit, a type of experience you want to have, look out for direct or related references to that as you go about your normal daily routine. Simply be aware and alert, really see the sights, really hear the sounds, be consciously in the moment and you'll be surprised by what you encounter.Dreams are not whimsical, fanciful mind movies that arrive from nowhere in a completely random way. Yes, they are fanciful and our dreams aren't necessarily 'real' in terms of a reflection of what is or might happen. However, they are your subconscious mind operating freely, and whilst the stories of your dreams in their fullness may not be telling you something, the images and events in your dreams can be very symbolic. They can reflect useful learnings for you and act as signals.There are plenty of resources available online and in books regarding dream symbology if you are interested in what your dreams may be signalling to you.At times we receive signals that are just too bizarre to categorise and let me just state that not all signals can be categorised. There are endless ways The Universe can send you signals.How do I recognise signals? There are several things you can do right now to start to recognise the signals that are being sent to you every day. However, one of these things is the absolute key to recognising signals.That key is... you must become AWARE.By reading and understanding the basic information about signals you are armed with knowledge. Even a little knowledge will get you started. There is nothing difficult about this way of living, following the signals is simple and fun. However, even armed with this simple information, without awareness you are blind to the signals. Awareness gives you the ability to recognise the signals that are being sent to you.

And when we awake we are not rested. We may have been thinking and dreaming about problems at work or in our personal lives, some may suffer sleep apnea, while outside sources such as loud parties next door or noisy neighbors or the couple in the next apartment who screamed at each other all night may have interrupted our sleep several times through the night.A body that is not rested means a mind that is not rested. It makes for a very difficult day, so do your best to get enough sleep.Set a certain time to go to bed and stick to it. Your body needs a 'pattern'; it needs to do certain things at the very same time each day.If you make time for 'you' and get to sleep at the same time each night, exercise every day and do what you can to eliminate external influences in our life so you can get quality sleep, you will awake rested and ready to go.You will feel much better and your life will go much better in return.

Be prepared to overcome setbacks over time because habits are usually strong enough to not let us change them easily.Make a plan and follow it, and be patient and persistent. Trust the method and be proactive.In a few weeks you'll be proud of yourself, self-confident and ready to take on new challenges.Don't let time pass without knowing why you are living. Find your direction and follow it.

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