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04 March 2014

Nuts And Bolts To To Become A Good Chauffeur

By George Dodson

As soon as you've heard the word chauffeur, you've probably had an idea what he does and what his lifestyle is like based on the movies you've seen. You've decided you want to become a chauffeur. Therefore, what steps should you take to become a successful chauffeur?

To start off, you need to know that a chauffeur isn't just limited to driving tasks. They have a wide knowledge of the places or locations in a particular metropolis. They are able to come up with a plan or route to get to a specific destination at a timely manner. Practically, you can tell that they are also tour guides for a specific city since they know almost all ins and outs of it.

The first thing you need to know if you want to become a chauffeur is that you will need to know all the places within your city. You become an expert on how to get from point A to point B. You know all the best routes and the landmarks along those routes. The best way to do that is to get out and discover your city. Become an expert at reading your city maps. Learn how to use a GPS thoroughly.

Learn what makes a certain city famous or unique. What are the landmarks? Where should someone go if he or she wishes to see something. Know why the certain places are mostly visited by many. Know your city's population. What are some of the best restaurants? What are your recommendations? Furthermore, you would also take note of the weather. What is a normally do this time of the year? Listen to news forecasts. The best hotels with the best services and lowest rates should also be something that you are aware of.

Dress is very important to chauffeur. Your dress or uniform will let other people know that you are a professional and you know what you are doing and you deserve respect.

A lot of companies today require every one of their employees to have uniforms which include the chauffeurs. The popular style of uniform for chauffeurs today would include a tie, black suit with white shirt and black shoes. By having to dress right you are give your clients a feel of security and satisfaction for your professional service.

Be aware of your surroundings and yourself. Always maintain proper hygiene. Always make sure you have a hanger ready whenever you want to put away your coat or suit. Smoking should also be considered since there are those clients that hate smokers. Smoking is dangerous to the health not only to you but also to your clients.

Speaking or talking should also be kept to a minimum unless spoken to by your client or an officer. You should always respond to your boss. "Seek to understand, then be understood", as what Stephen Covey would say.? With a little practice, you can read your client to tell when they want to chat.

Be prepared for almost anything. Many limousine companies today build their vehicle with a lot of features that clients can simply take hold of. Some would include an studio, bath tub, a sink, and others that clients may need. Aim to provide the best service as possible.

Of course, every professional should have his or her own tool for his or her job. Currently, there are a few apps on phones that you can simply use in your line of work. That includes a good calendar, a good map, sports schedules, and weather information.

If you're looking to succeed as a chauffeur, then these would pretty much sum up all the things that you will need.

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