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10 February 2017

Tips On How To Catch A Mole

By Deborah Morris

There's nothing worse than going outside and observing the once beautiful lawn that existed, has now become an underground amusement park to a homeowner's most destructive pest. This little critter, known as a mole, can tear up the most fertile of lawns. Even though it is tiny, it sure can do a lot of damage. Many homeowners want to know how to catch a mole and get rid of it for good.

Moles can build tunnels very quickly and in no time destroy a lawn. A person can actually catch a mole either by killing it, or not causing any harm. This can be done through the use of traps or chemicals. It is best to look for mole activity early in the morning. Although they are on the move all times of the day, most of their activity occurs at that time.

Looking for tunnels in yard is the next step needed to trap the uninvited visitor. Once located, step on a few spots in order to flatten the soil. It will be a lot easier to check the next morning. If any of those areas are raised, it means that the rodent is very much active and on the move.

Using the trap method requires that an individual make a mound of dirt and put it right into the center of a hole that has been dug. Sit the trap on top of it. Make sure that the spot chosen is at least 18- 20 inches away from the mound of dirt. The tunnel should be about eight inches below the ground. There may even be a deeper tunnel which can be found by placing a stick in the ground. If there is a collapse in soil, then most likely there is a deeper tunnel.

Now in order to set the trap, all that needs to be done is to build a mound of soil on top of the center of the hole. Set the trap on it and the mole will think that the tunnel is blocked. Once he starts digging, this sets off the trap. In order for the trap to succeed, set it where the trigger pan presses against the soil mound.

To prevent light from penetrating the tunnel, sprinkle some soil on top of the trap whereas not to alert the mole that something is wrong. Perform daily checks to see if the pest was caught. If so, it would be good to wear something with long sleeves as well as gloves to protect oneself. If tunnels keep reappearing however, it just may be good to move the trap elsewhere.

Another method would to just simply create a repellent. This can be done by combining Castor oil, liquid dish detergent, and mixing them with a gallon of water. Once mixed, fill a spray bottle with the mixture.

Make sure to look for tunnel entrances and spray on areas where there seems to be frequent activity such as around flowerbeds or grassy areas. This will force the moles to move to another location. Just be patient. Pretty soon that beautiful lawn that once existed will one day be restored.

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