Getting The Right Tornado Shelters Arkansas Homeowners Use For Safety And Community

By Janet Meyer

The Southern States have a long history of tornados for the entire time there has been a group of Southern States. These dangerous weather events can damage houses, destroy crops and leave people homeless very quickly. If you live in this area you know there are many homeowners who spend a lot of time and money building the tornado shelters Arkansas companies offer and many others design for themselves.

There are, of course, any number of companies that will help you design and build one of these invaluable shelters. Some firms and other neighbors will have prefabricated ones available for purchase and all you need to do is buy it, dig a big hole and drop it in. This will save a lot of trouble, but not some of the fun of putting your own together. Looking at some of the things you need to think about will help you in this task.

When a weather situation causes you to go into the underground space you create, you will not be able to leave until it is over. This means that the water, food, medical supplies and all entertainment you have secured in place will be everything you have until then. You should think clearly about what it is you need so you will not go without for the entire time.

When it comes to food, you should plan accordingly. Canned foods and dehydrated ones are going to be your best bet. No perishables should be planned for as these will not last long. Dehydrated foods are very popular and there are many flavors and a lot of favorites that make it seem as if you are not missing anything. All they need is a little water and they are ready to eat.

Water is, of course, critical. The average person needs about a gallon of water per day. That can be reduced some depending on tastes and if the bathing can be kept to a bare minimum. A safe, secure water supply can be placed in many water bottles, such as five gallon containers or, for a more permanent solution, a large storage tank with a faucet for easy access.

Your medical needs will range from the regular medicines your family uses to an expanded version of a standard first aid kit. Make sure you have plenty of bandages for small cuts and include disinfectant wipes for any abrasions you suffer from. Make sure you have water purification pills and aspirin tablets for those times you just need something.

Board games and pads of paper should be helpful in the entertainment department. Pens, pencils, and crayons will also help pass the time since there will probably not be electricity or the Internet. Anything that you and your party likes to do, together will be a great idea as long as it promotes togetherness.

One of the most important things you can take down in a shelter is a radio with plenty of batteries. A hand crank type will be the best as there is no need to try and charge the batteries and, occasionally, the batteries do not last very long anyway. You will want to keep track of the developing weather conditions so you know what is happening and when it stops happening.

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