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17 March 2013

Ensure Your Success With Your Personal Spiritual Growth

By Zoe Smith

How are you today? Is your life full of ecstasy and fun? Or is it depressing and tragic? If you are like most people, you are probably in the middle. You have a normal life and compared to many people in the rest of the world-you've got it pretty good. Now, is it a bad thing to want more? Of course not! Wanting more is not ingratitude- it is simply how we were created to be. So how do we attain more? The answer is by attending to our personal spiritual growth.

Right now you're probably scratching your head and asking what has personal development got to do with anybody's spiritual condition? If you want an amazing life, this is the secret.How else do you think ancient people (meaning people from earlier centuries not your grandparents) did so much astonishing accomplishments? There were no self-help programs before. What people used to empower them to turn the impossible to reality is by connecting with the greatest source of wealth-God Himself.

What are some things we can do for our spiritual personal development plan? The first thing you need to understand is that you are made deliberately and with a purpose. It doesn't matter what you think, you are not an accident. You have specific gifts and characteristics that will point you to your purpose. What inspires you and ignites your passion? What brings you happiness? Know yourself and you will begin to see the direction of your life.

Why is it important to know your purpose? When you know why you are here for, you will take out unnecessary things from your life. It's not just the bad things that need pruning away. Sometimes you need to give up the good things in order to make room for the best things. As you go along life, always keep a positive, healthy attitude. You will make mistakes and trials will come your way, but don't let that define you. Make these experiences your teacher and move on immediately.

Also, as you cultivate a positive outlook in life, you are subconsciously attracting more good things into your sphere of existence. Any reliable personal development plan will tell you that expecting good will result in the good you desire manifesting in your life. Why is that? Your thoughts and emotions are powerful vibrations that seek to bring you things that you are in harmony with.

A great spiritual teacher once said, "It is better to give than to receive"-it is a truth not often practiced. Make a conscious effort to be generous with whatever is given to you-time, treasure or talent. You will find that not only will it be given back to you "pressed down, shaken together and running over", it will also give you deepest joy.

Gratitude is your connecting link to the Source of all supplies. Therefore, make it a point to look for things you can be grateful for in life. It is one of the most valuable things you can undertake in your journey of personal spiritual growth. Perceive the gifts that life is rewarding you with each day, and more of these blessings will come. Enjoy!

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