To Find Soil Testing Ventura County Is Worth Checking Out

By Stephanie Carter

People who deal in crop production or other activities that require management of soil cannot underestimate the role that soil testing. This step is very crucial when it comes to managing the quantity of nutrients in the soil. This process involves chemical removal of nutrients from soil samples and then measuring their quantity. A lot of information can then be revealed from the tests conducted. For the best Soil Testing Ventura County needs to be visited.

This test is depended upon by both the large scale and small scale farmers in making their profits. This is done on those farms that depend mainly on commercial fertilizers as the main source of nutrients. It would be difficult planning for money-making use of fertilizers without analyzing the land first. When people skip the process, they are prone to making risks that lead to blind losses since the analysis acts as a guide.

As stated earlier, soil analysis does not only apply in crop production but also in livestock farms. It is necessary to know the amount of nutrients in the soil when it comes to livestock farms. For this reason one is able to plan the activities of the farm in line with the data collected. The data collected makes nutrients produced on the farm and those imported easily manageable.

The process is done in three simple steps. The three steps are sample collection, analysis of samples, and finally interpretation of the results. In order to effectively handle these processes, a lot of paper work has to be maintained, although this can be eased by the use of electronic media. Records are kept for several reasons including determining if nutrients are decreasing, increasing or being maintained at the same level over time.

The question mostly asked is how frequently the test should be done. Since many people ask this question, it is easy to conclude that many people have no idea of how regularly they should have the soils tested. Sample analysis should be done when one is applying fertilizer or when they first notice problems in plant growth.

It is advisable to do testing once annually but the rate may be increased in case a problem occurs. One or two months prior to the planting season is the most suitable time to collect samples. Samples can also be taken at any time during the year. On the other hand, samples of summer crops are collected most suitably during early spring. In the case of fall and winter crops, the best time to collect samples is during the summer time.

Lack of knowledge has driven some people into believing that samples cannot be taken when soils are wet. Such people fail to understand that soil moisture has no effect on the results considering that samples are dried prior to analysis. The only problem with soils that are extremely wet is that they are both difficult to collect and mix. As such, soils must be allowed to drain prior to sampling.

In conclusion, one has to ensure that the right depth is attained when sampling. Fifteen centimeters is the preferred depth for sampling. This depth is suitable because it is where most plants have their roots. Tillage mixes nutrients to a depth of about fifteen centimeters also. Achieving that depth can be problematic if the ground is too dry.

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