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31 October 2013

Meditation - TM - Transcendental Meditation Technique

By Annelise van Den Born

We've already told you that meditating every day will help to increase your winnings, but we haven't really gotten into the specifics of how. Also, we realize that for many people, meditating can be seen as a chore with no real end purpose, or even worse, spiritual garbage. Therefore, we've written this article to help explain how meditation can increase your profits, and as a bonus we're including our secret on how to get the most out of your meditation each and every time.

Environment-While it is certainly enjoyable to practice the Transcendental Mediation technique in a quiet place it is not necessary. Many busy people in all walks of life practice the TM technique in airports, train stations, lobbies and hotel rooms. Because the TM technique is an automatic and natural response of the mind and body, the process is easy in any kind of environment whether it is quiet and secluded or noisy and public.Posture--Transcendental Meditation (TM) is practiced sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. One can sit in a chair, on the bed or on the floor. Any location or sitting position is considered to be correct as long as one is comfortable. The TM technique is never practiced while lying down.

Right now, you probably don't believe YOU have the ability to shape and alter the reality you live in. Looking back though, you've experienced times where you'd focus on a desire, and all of a sudden it would appear in your life. This used to happen to me all the time. I'd want to see a specific movie on television, and the next day, lo and behold, there it was. Like most people though, I relegated the appearance of these desires to chance. I didn't yet realize that my thoughts had a direct correlation to the reality in which I lived.Listen, I'm not asking you to believe that your entire reality is created by your thoughts. But you should know that your thoughts and beliefs play a prime role in shaping your reality. Realizing this allows you to see the value in meditating every day. Meditation will allow you to slowly destroy negative thought patterns and beliefs; beliefs which prevent you from making a lot of money.

TM technique works automatically spontaneously and effortlessly according to the law of nature. It make use of the natural tendency of the mind to move forward a field of greater charm and the natural mechanisms of the body to neutralize stress and restore balance in its functioning. It makes the mind orderly, gives the body deep rest and improves coordination between the two which means clear awareness to focus sharply and succeed in activity.

I learned the TM technique from a qualified TM teacher when I was a senior in high school. Since then it has given me thousands of hours of inner peace and tranquility. It has made me a better person and a more effective human being. I hope that you will also have the opportunity to enjoy it soon.Transcendental Meditation, TM and Maharishi are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and are used under sublicense.The Transcendental Meditation technique may be an effective and safe non-pharmaceutical aid for treating ADHD, according to a promising new study published this month in the peer-reviewed online journal Current Issues in Education.

People might tell you this is cheating, that meditation requires a lot of effort and years of practice. This is bull. People who tell you this are scared of change, and they usually have their egos attached to meditation. To reach the deepest levels of meditation you have to be willing to try new methods and techniques until you find one that is right for you. We've found that after using these audio programs for three weeks (in the morning and before going to sleep) we've been able to slow down and analyze our thoughts on a regular basis. This means we can now begin to change the thoughts we have to the ones we want to have. This will be the basis for our next article, but for now you should have an idea of what you have to start working on. Here's what you have to do:

Download or purchase an audio program that claims to help your meditation. Experiment for yourself until you've found one you're comfortable with.Start using one of these audio programs both in the morning and before going to sleep. Mark down on a calendar when you began your practice.Be consistent in your practice for at least three weeks.Also, take note of how much money your bankroll has increased or decreased by in that three week period.After three weeks, write down the negative thoughts you most often have Write down the thoughts you'd like to replace them with.

These high risks and growing concerns are fueling parents' search for alternatives that may be safer for their kids.The study was conducted in a private K-12 school for children with language-based learning disabilities. Participation was restricted to 10 students, ages 11-14, who had pre-existing diagnoses of ADHD. About half of the students were on medication. The students meditated at school in a group for 10 minutes, morning and afternoon.To determine the influence of the TM technique, at the beginning and end of the three-month period, parents, teachers and students completed standard ADHD assessment inventories measuring stress and anxiety, behavior and social competency, and executive function. Students were also given a battery of performance tests to measure cognitive functioning.

I had learned the Transcendental Meditation technique several years before. And though I loved beautiful things like anyone else, I also loved the beautiful, inner silence I experienced during my twice daily meditations even more. Through my practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique I found a place within me, from which all my creativity emerged; a flow of subtle impulses that guide me serenely through my daily life, even to this day.

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The Center for Disease Control reports that nearly 50 percent of the 4.5 million children (ages 4-17) in the United States diagnosed with ADHD are on ADHD medication-and the majority of those on medication stay on it in adulthood.The rate of prescriptions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the U.S. has increasing by a factor of five since 1991-with production of ADHD medicines up 2,000 percent in 9 years.The commonly used drugs for ADHD are stimulants (amphetamines). These drugs can cause persistent and negative side effects, including sleep disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, suppressed growth, and mood disorders. The side effects are frequently treated with additional medications to manage insomnia or mood swings. Almost none of the medications prescribed for insomnia or mood disturbances are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use with children.The long-term health effects of ADHD medications are not fully known, but evidence suggests risks of cardiac disorders and sudden death, liver damage and psychiatric events. It has also been found that children on long-term medication have significantly higher rates of delinquency, substance use, and stunted physical growth.

It's a simple effortless technique that brings improvement to all areas of life by creating a healthier body and a more efficient, fully functioning brain that is free from stress and anxiety.What price can we put on improved health, increased energy, creativity, happiness, better relationships and growing self-actualization? All this and more is possible according to the more than 600 published research studies and scores of theoretical papers, PhD dissertations and critical reviews from all over the world.

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