You Are Broke And It Is All Your Fault

By Marenda Taylor

If you are among the ninety-nine percent then you no doubt have not yet established a millionaire mindset, because most people believe that you need to work a traditional job. Every wealthy person realizes that you will rarely be wealthy from working a j.o.b. (just over broke). Essentially every wealthy person is a business owner and has developed and or delivered a product or service that people need.

Wealth is power! If you feel like a lot of people, you simply don't think that you have any power. You quite possibly think that the powers that be are in control, and the rest of us are really dupes of the system. This is a poor mentality, and it is generally conditioned into the mind and inherited from one generation to the next.

Remember that that money does not equal wealth. There are numerous men and women who have a great deal money, but who still are afflicted with the poor mentality of "lack". They may very well hold onto their money unwilling to spend, so they save it. Then there are those who spend it so outrageously that they lose it all and end up at ground zero again.

People nearly always comply with who they strongly believe they are. If you believe that you are undeserving of wealth, and you win the lottery for $100 million dollars; you will find a way to lose it by either subconsciously creating circumstances of difficulty, emergency or calamity in your life, or you will thoughtlessly deplete it and watch it slip through your fingers. We hear news stories repeatedly about poor everyday people who win the lottery, and how in a few years they find themselves where they started.

When we truly recognize that money is nothing more than energy, we will see that we attract or repel it. There are lots of people who are very good at attracting money, and there are also those who are extremely good at repelling it.

There are actually several ways to improve your relationship with money, and begin to formulate a wealth mindset:

1. Realize that we live in an abundant Universe, and that our pure state of being is abundance. Abundance in well being, elation and wealth. The Universe knows no lack, and there is only one stream. There isn't a stream of abundance and a stream of shortage. We are either going with the stream or against it. It is when we go against the stream that it we feel scarcity. When we move in concord with the stream we feel abundance. Everyone is acquainted with the saying "go with the flow", all wealthy people have perfected going with the flow. When they get a good idea or intuitive impression, they go with it and it always points an abundant outcome.

2. Keep in mind that energy moves by nature, and if money is energy then it must move in and out. Attempting to hold onto money with a sentiment that it's not enough or that it's hard to come by only stops it from flowing to you. For this reason, you need to start by being cheerful when you pay your bills, or pay for a service. Never begrudgingly pay for things, because you are showing the Universe that you don't believe more is coming. Wealthy people never question if they will get more money, because they fully grasp that they can attract more, and so they do.

3. Envision money forthcoming into your circumstance from various sources. Imagine money flowing to you like water flowing downhill, and feel what it feels like to have a unending supply of money and resources in your possession. Those with unlimited financial resources see the unseen before it appears. People who have money look forward into the future and experience the feeling of what it is like to have the way of life that they desire, and they manifest it.

Many men and women overlook this intangible technique because they don't have faith that it works. Just as they don't have faith they can be wealthy, their beliefs always prove them right.

"The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?" ~Henry Ford

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